Attendance Matters » School Success Begins with Attendance

School Success Begins with Attendance


Absence and tardies

A parent or guardian may clear an absence by calling our absence line (317-5300)

and pressing  “3” at the recording. If a student is absent, please phone the office on

that same day.

Another way to clear an absence, is to bring a note from the parent or guardian that

includes the following information: name of student, date of absence, reason for

absence and signature of parent/guardian. The parent or guardian must make every

effort to clear the absence on or before the day the student returns to school.

Students are expected to be at school ON TIME each day as being late to school impacts your

student's learning progress and student achievement and the learning of others.

Parents and guardians will be notified when their

child exhibits chronic tardiness (truancy) and appropriate consequences will be enforced.


Three or more unexcused absences and/or  tardies may result in the parent or guardian being scheduled

for one of the monthly  H.A.R.T. (Hillside Attendance Review Team) meeting with school and district

administration. More severe attendance problems will be referred to the Child Welfare

Attendance Office for a S.A.R.B. (School Attendance Review Board) hearing.

Parents and Guardians are urged to request an Independent Study Contract when a

student will miss 5 days of school or more due to an extended illness. The contract

will list the assignment(s) the student must complete due to the absence. Parents/

guardians are responsible for verifying that assignments are completed and

returned to the teacher on the agreed upon date of return to school. With an

independent study contract, absences are recorded as excused, the school verifies

positive attendance, and your child’s attendance record does not reflect unexcused

absences. These contracts are available in the school office. The school office

must be notified at least 5 school days in advance of a planned absence due to

illness, surgery or other medical procedures.



7:55 AM - First Bell Rings

8:00 AM - Instruction Begins



When it comes to school, students who miss school...miss out. Attendance boosts student achievement, improves the quality of your child's educational experience, and it prepares them for college, good careers, and successful adulthood. Studies show that over an adult's working life, high school graduates can expect to earn, on average, $1.2 million.**

Being in school every day is important. For every day of school missed, it takes two or more days for a student to catch up. Except in the case of illness, many school absences can be avoided with a little extra effort. 

Parents, join forces with us to eliminate absences that can be prevented by making every effort to schedule medical and other appointments outside school hours and by making sure your children get plenty of sleep so they arrive at school on time. Give your child every opportunity to succeed at Hillside School and graduate to success, by encouraging them to attend school on time, every day. Please remember: Every Child in Every Seat Every Day Counts.